For our fans on the Apple Isle, here is everything you need to know about the Supercars Transporter Parade through Launceston.
Image: Jamie Macrow
It’s all happening on the afternoon of April 4. The convoy will head for Launceston along the Midland Highway from Symmons Plains Raceway. From there, the big B-Doubles are set to rumble down Wellington Street, along the East Tamar Highway and then loop around at the George Town Road turnoff.
According to the Supercars website, prime viewing can be found at Perth, north of the Newnhan Link on the banks of the Tamar River and at the Tasmania Polytechnic Alanvale Campus along George Town Road.
The transporters are set to depart Symmons Plains Raceway at 3pm and make the hairpin at approximately 4.15pm. The rough itinerary can be found here and a high-resolution map can be downloaded at this link.
Keep across our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for the latest transporter-related content from Tassie this weekend!