Seat adjusted. Hands on the wheel. Keys in the ignition. We want you riding shotgun on every kilometer of our journey this year.
Image: Angas Dandie
Your support has been enormously appreciated on every single article and social media post since we launched in July last year. Your likes, comments and shares have been the driving force from day dot.
It has been a cool ride, too. We have profiled the transporters of unique motorsport operations, explored the growing interest in the trucks and trailers behind the motorsport roadshow and tracked down some history on significant local rigs in their twilight. It wasn’t just us pressing the accelerator though. You guys have shared hundreds of photos and happily allowed them to be posted on our social media accounts.
So, what’s in store for 2018? Transporter Profiles will be our primary focus. We want to highlight the unique rigs traversing the world and the characters who steer them through the day and night. A journey or two in the passenger seat of a professional Australian motorsport outfit is also an ambition for this year, as is expanded video content and thought-provoking pieces about the growing interest in the motorsport journey, as opposed to what happens at the destination.
The truck racing side is a little more secretive at this point. However, we can promise that truck racing fans from all over the world will be snowed under with content on a sister online platform that will go live very shortly. This means that Trucks at Tracks will exclusively focus on motorsport transporters from next month onward. Hold tight on the truck racing front!
These niche media projects on a shoestring budget are all about momentum and to keep this going, we would be as grateful as ever to receive your contributions of photos, stories, videos and anything else that you might have tucked away. Anything that you can do to spread the word about Trucks at Tracks to likeminded folks will go a long way too.
Thank you to each and every one of our followers, website visitors and content sharers along our journey so far. We can’t wait to bring you more original content from the world of motorsport transporters over the coming months. Keep on truckin’!